

Aquaculture WorldSolutions

Remedies for Aquaculture

Remediation of White Spot Syndrome “WSS” and many pathogens in the aquaculture industry. WSS is reported to have rapid mortality rates of up to 80% within 3 to 10 days.

Remedies for Aquaculture


Remediates White Spot Syndrome “WSS” and many pathogens in the aquaculture industry. WSS is reported to have rapid mortality rates of up to 80% within 3 to 10 days.

  • Solution:

    The solution is a liquid azotic (substance containing nitrogen) organomineral biofertilizer which provides plants with everything they require when they demand: enzymes, amino-acids, micro-elements, macroelements, auxins [plant hormones], vitamins, humic acids, fulvic acids, crenic acids, hormone-producing substances etc. This biofertilizer enables them to resist disease and develop at an accelerated rate.

  • Problems in Aquaculture Water Quality:

    • High BOD due to fish excrements.
    • Dissolved oxygen affecting pH and bacterial activity.
    • Managing NH3, NOx, N2, P, and BOD.
    • Phytoplankton care.
    • Water turbidity control.
    • Mineralization of organic material.
    • Eliminating excess nutrients.
    • Controlling algae and biofilm.
  • Aquaculture Application:

    • Calculate Ergofito H2O based on BOD.
    • Key waste parameters: Ammonia-N, Nitrite-N, Phosphate-P, Suspended Solids, BOD, and COD.
    • Oxygen-dependent Ergofito H2O.
    • BOD typically 7.5% of solids.
  • Key Benefits:

    • Decomposes excrements and nutrient residues naturally.
    • Improves oxygen levels and pH.
    • Converts Ammonia and Nitrates into proteins, reducing BOD.
    • No adverse effect on phytoplankton.
    • Eliminates slime, biofilm, and mucus.
  • Filtering & Aquatic Plants:

    • Use filtration, Ergofito H2O, and aquatic plants for nutrient management.
    • Floating plants reduce turbidity, absorb nutrients, and create shade.
    • Ergofito H2O converts residues into an active mud filter.
    • Simple percolator-type filter.
    • Minimize water replacement by topping up for evaporation losses.

    For complete details and instructions, refer to the Aquaculture brochure provided.