

Promoting Livestock Health

Promoting Livestock Health


Culmen Trough: Is a natural precisely formulated additive to assure that livestock stays healthy throughout their growth cycle .

Culmen Trough is simply added to their drinking water.
Culmen Trough ensures higher food to weight conversion, Significant sicknesses abatement,  Abatement of Ammonia NH3 in the pen and Strengthens their immune system

See Document: Culmen Trough

Culmen Crypto: 
is a 100% natural method to cure all livestock of the diarrheal disease cryptosporidiosis (Crypto)

Once sprayed in the animal’s mouth, it quickly makes its way to the digestive system where it rapidly assails the Cryptosporidiosis parasite.

The animal health recovery generally occurs within the first few hours after application.

See Document: Culmen Crypto

Culmen Hoof:
 is a simple and extremely safe product to use on all hooved animals. It is a cost-effective way for the treatment and prevention of hoof rot.

This painless treatment is the least stressful option for the animal and results are evident within the first twenty-four hours with full recovery within four days.

See Document: Culmen Hoof 

Culmen Kombi: 
in a general purpose live stock product used for Gastric problems, like Cryptosporidiosis and Enterotoximia, Bacterial blindness, Infected open wounds.

The product is extremely gentle on the animal reducing the usual stress by the animal encountered when in pain and in need of treatment. There are no side effects when using the Culmen range of products.

See Document: Culmen Kombi

Culmen Oculi:
 is 100% natural. It acts as a powerful anti-pathogenic, intrinsically attacking Moraxella Bovis and all other variations which cause ocular disease.

Infectious Keratoconjunctivitis of cattle, sheep, and goats is a common ocular condition characterized by blepharospasm, conjunctivitis, lacrimation and varying degrees of corneal opacity and ulceration.

In severe cases, ocular rupture can result to blindness. Animals of all ages are open to infection but the young are most commonly affected.

The painless treatment is the least stressful option for the animal and results are evident within the first twenty-four hours with full recovery within four days.

See Document: Culmen Oculi