Dust Control
- Reduce water usage by up to 98%
- Far more effective & cost-effective than traditional dust control systems
- 85% of super-fine dust captured
- Decreased maintenance cost on vehicles and machinery
- Used underground, on conveyor belts, transfer points, screening rigs, crushers and ore dump areas
- No harm to mined minerals or metals
Land Rehabilitation
Mine dumps and earth extracted during mining processes generally have no nutritional value and no biological activity – therefore they are unable to sustain life.
Using Ergofito, you can effectively convert this to healthy, productive soil, that achieves EPA standards.
Water Treatment
Ergofito provides the most cost-effective method of on site waste water remediation for sewage produced at the mine.
Additionally, mining ponds affected by heavy metals and pollutants can be effectively rehabilitated to agricultural quality.
Hydrocarbon Remediation
Hydrocarbons found during mining typically contaminate soils and water ponds in the mining area.
Using Ergofito you can effectively decompose the hydrocarbons to agricultural quality and EPA standards.
Please refer to the “Hydrocarbon Remediation” tab for more information.